ICBRNE is a program of the Department
of Homeland Security in cooperation with Los Angeles
regional public safety, public health, law enforcement, various
industry partners and others.
When a disaster strikes, first responders use multiple off-the-shelf
systems to assess various potential safety risks at the site. Yet,
these disparate systems often speak different software languages.
This technical dissonance can complicate situation awareness and
assessment and can impede the effectiveness of first responders
putting their lives, as well as members of the community,
at greater risk.
The Department of Homeland Security is exploring ways to overcome
technical and organization problems that can impede coordinated
response, including ways to improve technical interoperability between
civil governments and their various departments. The ICBRNE Program
provides a framework with which local and regional governments can
more quickly and completely communicate; and share real-world real-time
situation awareness; create and develop action plans and tactical
response; and produces exercises that challenge local and regional
governments to work together to save lives and property.
The goal of ICBRNE Detection Demonstration Pilots is to increase
the sharing of real-world sensor data and situational awareness
among DHS, Public Safety, military, and commercial entities through
application of operational interoperability, standards and methods.
The ICBRNE program utilizes a wide variety of chemical, biological,
radiation, and explosive detectors, as well as video and infrared
cameras, wirelessly networked into an advanced technology shared
common operational picture created by Safe
Environment Engineering in cooperation with the Pacific
Northwest National Labs in Richland, Wash., and the Space
and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego.